ITO service provision

A list of ITO administrative support duties.

Support for Course/Year Organisers

Prior to the start of the course

  • ensure that rooms are booked for lectures (with AV provision as requested) and tutorials and labs (if required)
  • encourage staff to update and maintain course web pages
  • publicise student registration arrangements and chase up those who fail to register correctly 
  • assist the lecturer in ensuring that students have completed any course pre-requisites
  • ensure that students are automatically registered onto courses that are core to their degree programme 
  • update ITO Database with the following details: course/year organiser, course lecturer and course secretary
  • update ITO Database with the following details: coursework/exam weightings, weightings of individual pieces of coursework (as advised)

At the start of the course

  • attend the introductory lecture, or first class meeting (if required)
  • ensure that students who miss the intro lecture are given all relevant handouts and information
  • update student registration on EUCLID
  • aid lecturer in assigning students to tutorial / lab groups, where requested (lecturer must provide information regarding preferred times, group sizes and student mix - e.g. minimum number of women in each group, required mix of degree students etc) 
  • enter tutorial / lab groups into ITO Database, ensuring that all lists are available on the ITO web pages
  • handle student requests to change tutorial or practical groups, ensuring that changes keep within the requested group sizes and student mix 
  • ensure that sufficient information is passed on to Support for the creation of student accounts, maintenance of email aliases (both staff and student) and electronic submission directories
  • perform regular checks of ITO Database records compared to EUCLID, investigate differences with student, Personal Tutor or Support where relevant

Throughout the course

  • provide handouts for students (from master copies provided by lecturer)
  • collect manually submitted assignments from the submissions box, log these and pass to the lecturer (or nominated marker) for marking
  • ensure that all marking guidelines, mark sheets and additional information is included with marking 
  • enter and check coursework marks within 2 working days of receipt from marker, ensuring that these are double checked from a printed version (ideally this should be done by a different person)
  • ensure that 'out of' and 'worth' values in the database are correct (in conjunction with lecturer)
  • co-ordinate the return of marked work to students (this can be direct from the ITO, via lecturer or via tutor - at lecturers discretion)
  • produce letters (or email) to students (with copies to Personal Tutor) who have been absent from two or more tutorials (as directed by lecturer, and in conjunction with ITO Database Support if necessary)
  • minute Staff student liaison meetings, if required 
  • ensure that online course surveys are advertised to students
  • ensure that staff teaching coursework only courses are aware that the BoE will need to see evidence of the feedback they have provided to students, ideally ITO making copies of the marked coursework before it is returned to students

Support for UG4 Project Organiser

  • administer student submission of projects, distributing projects to markers with appropriate marking guidelines and mark sheets
  • enter/upload marks on to EUCLID APT, monitoring any projects that might need to be moderated or penalised
  • chase missing marks, escalating late marking to DoT where necessary
  • book suitable rooms for project presentations, with AV equipment as required
  • aid project organiser in production of the presentation timetable and associated web pages
  • prepare all projects and associated paperwork ready for the BoE meeting

Preparation of examination papers

  • ensure that an acceptable timetable has been agreed between Course/Year Organiser (CO), BoE Convener (EC), External Examiner (EE) and Exam Secretary (ES) for exam paper preparation and that this timetable is communicated to lecturers.
  • ensure that the Exam PC has been suitably configured for the current session's exams (in conjunction with CO, EC and Computing Support)
  • co-ordinate bookings of the Exam PC
  • ensure that the Exam PC is regularly backed up, following guidelines provide by Computing Support
  • produce the rubric pages for the exams (in conjunction with CO/lecturer/EC as required)
  • schedule Exam Scrutiny Meeting, and advertise to staff
  • ensure that draft papers are checked by CO/EC (as directed by EC)
  • forward draft papers to External Examiner and circulate the resulting comments to lecturers/COs/EC as necessary
  • ensure that updates resulting from Externals comments are acted upon
  • ask staff to print and sign the master copies of their own exam papers (and solutions) ensuring that they are happy with the content of the final, signed version
  • make sufficient copies of exam papers, check that the photocopies are correct and stored in accordance with University guidelines
  • deliver exam papers for special needs students to Registry 5 working days before the exam takes place
  • deliver exam papers to paid invigilators (in accordance with UoE guidelines)
  • collect exam scripts at the end of the exam (in accordance with current UoE guidelines), distribute to markers
  • ensure that an acceptable timetable has been agreed between CO, EC and ES for the marking of scripts and communicated to markers
  • after the exams have been taken, publish the non-honours exam papers and solutions online and send honours exams (.pdf) to the library for online publication

Preparation for BoE meetings 

  • produce the BoE Membership list for College Office, (in conjunction with EC, DoT and HoS)
  • liaise with External Examiners regarding BoE meetings, book travel and accommodation for them where necessary
  • liaise with other Schools to set up suitable meeting times for combined honours BoE meetings, book rooms and agree on who will chair and minute each of these meetings
  • co-ordinate the timetable of all Informatics BoE meetings, publish on the web and advertise to lecturers
  • co-ordinate with CO/EC to ensure that the format of the BoE reports are acceptable to all
  • distribute exam scripts for marking, together with copies of the paper and solutions to markers
  • when marked scripts are returned, remove the gummed down section, sort scripts alphabetically and, double check addition of marks inside the script match the front cover and total
  • enter marks onto EUCLID APT and double check against a printed version (this should ideally be done by a different member of staff)
  • ensure that the 'out of' and 'worth' values for the exam questions, and the exam/coursework split are correct on the ITO Database (to be checked by EC/CO)
  • check a subset of the calculated marks using a calculator (in accordance with current UoE regulations), paying particular attention to the marks of any non-standard students (for example those who have retaken the year)
  • ensure that the CO/EC also checks the 'out of', 'worth', 'exam/coursework split' and a subset of the marks, and understands any statistics given on the report
  • produce copies of the BoE reports for the meeting
  • minute the BoE meetings
  • ensure that Results are ratified and published to students on time (in conjunction with CO/EC/External), following the University Key Dates

Support for UG Selector

  • reply to email enquiries from prospective UG students (referring to UG Selector if necessary)
  • assist Communications Team with PAVD events
  • asssit Communications Team with content of PAVD letters to students who have been made offers (in conjunction with UG Selector and DoT)

Support for Company presentations to students in their final year

  • co-ordinate the timetable of company presentations (in conjunction with academic organiser and/or Commercialisation team)
  • ensure that room bookings are made, refreshments are available for presentations and that companies are invoiced effectively
  • attend any evening presentations (if required)

EUCLID support

  • implementation co-ordination for all staff who are expected to use EUCLID, via our EUCLID Information Pages.
  • support of staff in arrangement of training sessions, staff workshops and EUCLID presentations
  • ensure that suitable feedback and experiences are gathered centrally and professionally passed on to the EUCLID team
  • membership of relevant design team panels and College consultation groups, ensuing that the software build represents our business requirements, where possible!

Support for students 

  • first point of contact for all student enquiries
  • ensure that swipe cards are activated for building/room access. Liaising with Security ( as necessary

Support for Personal Tutors

  • allocate directees to PTs ensuring that requests for degree registration of students are adhered to and that each PT has an acceptable number of students
  • regularly liaise with Senior PT and DoT to ensure that the ITO provides appropriate support to all PTs

Support in appointing Teaching Support Staff

  • follow up with staff who have not submitted a teaching resource bid by the mid-July deadline.
  • manage the process of approval of job adverts and advertise vacancies to Informatics PhD students, MSc students, RAs and UG students (where appropriate)
  • log applications from students in Theon and remind staff to regularly check the Applications Portal report.  Provide applicant information forms when requested by staff.
  • appoint applicants to roles as advised by teaching staff
  • issue GH contracts to students, ensuring all necessary paperwork inlcuding eligibility to work documentation is sent to HR for each contract.
  • remind teaching support staff to submit timesheets monthly and that these reach Salaries for payment in good time
  • liaise with HR on all contractual issues, ensuring that UoE policy is followed at all times