
People in Computer Science Education (CSE) Group

Main organisers:


Name Interests
Cristina Adriana Alexandru Software engineering education; Marking in Computer Science courses; Developing student employability and entrepreneurship skills; Quality assurance in teaching; Transitioning into Higher Education; Usable tools for teaching and learning. 
Felipe Costa-Sperb Data-driven research in computer science education; Online learning versus classroom instruction; The role of personal tutoring and mentoring in computer science education; Computer science education and employability

Other organisers:

Name Interests
Pavlos Andreadis Learning Analytics; Enabling personalised interventions at scale; Identifying learning practices and bottlenecks. 
Aurora Constantin Accessibility and Diversity in Education, Learning Analytics, Ensuring Fairness and Efficiency in Marking and Feedback, Closing the Skills Gap, Embracing AI for Learning, Emerging Technologies for Education 
James Garforth Ethics of technology; Effective groupwork in teaching
Borislav Ikonomov Educational/Serious Games, Interactive Learning, AI in Education
Brian Mitchell Teaching tools and techniques; accessibility and widening participation; communicating science; language engineering 
Fiona McNeill Access to CS and STEM education, especially for excluded groups such as women and girls and people from widening participation backgrounds;  transitions in CS education, especially UG1;  education policy and government strategy around CS education;  outreach, especially to those with diverse backgrounds
Heather Yorston Access to CS and STEM education, especially for excluded groups such as women and girls and people from widening participation backgrounds;  transitions in CS education, especially UG1; pair programming; online learning; teaching Data Science and ethics; employability and Graduate Apprentice programmes
Pawel Orzechowski Programming Education, Teaching Programming to Non-Programmers (Business, Health, Humanities), Flipped Classroom, Pair-Programming, Accessibility and Diversity in Education, Fair and Efficient Marking, Scaffolding Learning with Badges and Achievements,  Fusion Teaching (online & on site), Bootcamp Course
Judy Robertson Teacher professional learning, data literacy, inclusion, learner centred design