Monday, 8th August 2022 - 11am - Desmond Elliott Seminar

Title: The End of Words? Language Modelling with Pixels


Abstract: Language models are defined over a finite set of inputs, which creates a bottleneck if we attempt to scale the number of languages supported by a model. Tackling this bottleneck usually results in a trade-off between what can be represented in the embedding matrix and computational issues in the output layer. I will present PIXEL, the Pixel-based Encoder of Language, which suffers from neither of these issues. PIXEL is a pretrained language model that renders text as images, making it possible to transfer representations across languages based on orthographic similarity or the co-activation of pixels. PIXEL is trained on predominantly English data in the Wikipedia and Bookcorpus datasets to reconstruct the pixels of masked patches instead of predicting a probability distribution over tokens. I will present the results of an 86M parameter model on downstream syntactic and semantic tasks in 32 typologically diverse languages across 14 scripts. PIXEL substantially outperforms BERT when the script is not seen in the pretraining data but it lags behind BERT when working with Latin scripts. I will finish by showing that PIXEL is robust to noisy text inputs, further confirming the benefits of modelling language with pixels.


Bio: Desmond is an Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen where he builds and attempts to understand multimodal and multilingual models. His work received the Best Long Paper Award at EMNLP 2021 and an Area Chair Favourite paper at COLING 2018. He co-organised the Multimodal Machine Translation Shared Task from 2016–2018, the 2018 Frederick Jelinek Memorial Workshop on Grounded Sequence-to-Sequence Learning, the How2 Challenge Workshop at ICML 2019, and the Workshop on Multilingual Multimodal Learning at ACL 2022.



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Aug 08 2022 -

Monday, 8th August 2022 - 11am - Desmond Elliott Seminar

ILCC Seminar

G.03, Informatics Forum