01 May 2019 Minutes

Minutes for the Extraordinary Informatics Board of Studies Meeting 2 at 15:00hrs-17:00hrs, Wednesday 1st May 2019, Informatics Forum, Room 2.33.


 Welcome to all members and introductions


Present - Stuart Anderson, Sharon Goldwater, Karen Davidson, Stephen Gilmore, Michael Gutmann, Alexandra Welsh, Mary Cryan (late arrival).


Apologies  - Jane Hillston, Alex Lascarides, Paul Anderson.


Draft Minutes of Previous Meeting  - 13 March 2019


Matters Arising


01052019_BoS Item 1) New Course Proposal - Work-based Professional Practice in Data Science - Tony Venus

Tony Venus not present at this meeting, so item presented by Staurt Anderson on Tony's behalf.

OUTCOME: Approved.

ACTION: Stuart Anderson to present at the next College Curriculum Approval Board due to be held on Tuesday 21 May 2019.


01052019_BoS Item 2) New Course Proposal - Operating Systems as Level 10 from 2020/21 - Sharon Goldwater

OUTCOME: Approved.

ACTION: ITO to create the DRPS entry for this course

ACTION: ISS to create the course on EUCLID for 2020/21 once proposal received.


01052019_BoS Item 3) Course Proposal Change - PMR to exam-only from 2019/20 - Michael Guttmann

OUTCOME: Approved, pending changes to current Learing Outcomes 4 & 5 and revised syllabus.

ACTION: Michael Guttmann to tweak proposal and bring back for Stuart Anderson and Sharon Goldwaer to review. If meets agreed criteria, approve by convenor's action.

ACTION: ISS to make immediate changes to DRPS once approved by convenor's action.


01052019_BoS Item 4) INFORMATION ONLY - Curriculum transition plan for CogSci degree (Addendum to Nov 2018 BoS paper) - Sharon Goldwater

OUTCOME: Already approved for 2019/20 3rd Year feedback/comments, to prepare them for 2020/21, but proposal needs revised before implimented in 2020/21.

ACTION: Sharon Goldwater to revise proposal and discuss with SCAO, Director of Teaching and Karen Davidson (Student Support UG1 &2).  


AOCB (Any Other Current Business)  

There was no other current business. Stuart Anderson confirmed that this would be the last Board of Studies meeting for 2018/19.