IPAB Workshop-02/07/2020



Chuanyu Yang

Title: Learning natural locomotion behaviours for humanoid robots using human bias Abstract: In this talk, I will present a learning framework that bridges  knowledge from imitation learning, deep reinforcement learning, and  control theories to achieve human-style locomotion of humanoid robots  that is natural, dynamic, and robust. I proposed novel approaches to  introduce human bias, ie motion capture data and a special  Multi-Expert network structure. I used the Multi-Expert network  structure to smoothly blend behavioral features, and used the  augmented reward design for the task and imitation rewards. The reward  design is more composable, tunable, and explainable by using  fundamental concepts from conventional humanoid control. I rigorously  tested and benchmarked the learning framework on different disturbance  scenarios and consistently produced robust locomotion behaviors.  Further, I demonstrated the capability of learning robust and  versatile policies in presence of disturbances, such as terrain 

irregularities and external pushes.
He Zhang

Title: Synthesis of Detailed Hand Manipulations


Abstract: We have captured a wide range of hand-object manipulation motions.  Using this data, we are developing a deep-learning framework to synthesize the finger motion for manipulating various objects. We propose to utilize different distance information sensed between the hand and the object as the geometry representation. We show such representation could help the model have a better generalization even training with few shapes.

Jul 02 2020 -

IPAB Workshop-02/07/2020

Chuanyu Yang, He Zhang

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