IPAB Workshop-04/06/2020



Ian Mason
Title: Modelling Locomotion Styles for Humanoid Animation with Feature-wise Transformations
Abstract: I will be discussing ongoing work on varying the style of locomotion performed by a 3D character using a neural network animation system. We investigate the application of feature-wise transformations in the hidden layers of the network to allow for modifying style in real-time and demonstrate that this method can create reasonable interpolations between seen styles. I will also talk briefly about future directions for this work.
Nanbo Li
Title: Learning Neural Scene Representations of Multi-object Scenes With Multi-view Observations
Abstract: Object-centric scene representations have the potential to support high-level 
cognitive abilities like causal reasoning and object-centric exploration. Curren
approaches for generative scene representation learning research are either
inaccurate (suffering from single-view spatial ambiguity) or unstructured (failing to attain
object-level scene factorization and interpretation). In this work, we address multi-view and 
multi-object representation and inference to resolve spatial ambiguity with spatial exploration.
Through experiments we demonstrate that our method not only learns more accurate and 
disentangled object-centric representations, but also does it allow prediction of  both 
observations and object segmentation for novel viewpoints.
Jun 04 2020 -

IPAB Workshop-04/06/2020

Nanbo Li, Ian Mason, Kuba Sanak

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