Our Aims

Aims of the Computer Science Education (CSE) Group

The aims of the CSE group are: 

  1. To enhance our knowledge and practice of Computer Science Education by keeping abreast of advancements in this field;  

  1. To guide teaching practice by sharing practical experience and research evidence from the Computer Science Education community; 

  1. To conduct research linking pedagogical theory and advancements with evidence-informed practice; 

  1. To engage and collaborate with other related groups in the University of Edinburgh, in the UK and more widely; 

  1. To disseminate our research and findings from practice to impact Computer Science Education in the University of Edinburgh and beyond. 

We work towards these aims through: 

  • Regular events  including but not limited to: 

    • reading group meetings, where one or more group members bring into discussion recent literature on practice and research in Computer Science education; 

    • ideation workshops where innovative topics for collaboration and ideas for tackling them are brainstormed, and new collaborations are established; 

    • presentation practice meetings where one or more group members hold a presentation on a Computer Science education topic in preparation for a Computer Science education event (viva, workshop, conference); 

    • evaluation meetings where collaborators lead an evaluation study with other group members for their Computer Science education research; 

    • highlights meetings where one or more group members present highlights from a recently attended Computer Science education event; 

    • Computer Science education training where external speakers with a background in pedagogy induct members on educational theory and approaches for research in education; 

    • seminars where external speakers are invited to present their work, sparking new discussions and collaborations. 

  • A recurring platform called "Teaching Hours", aimed at fostering a collaborative knowledge exchange environment by inviting members and non-members from the School of Informatics, colleagues from other Schools and from external institutions to deliver presentations and lead workshops on a variety of Computer Science Education subjects;   

  • Enabling research in Computer Science education by:  

    • facilitating the creation of sub-groups engaged in research projects in Computer Science education; 

    • promoting collaboration with other related groups in the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland and beyond; 

    • providing guidance, mentoring, and recommendations on relevant events, grants, and publication opportunities, tailored to various research topics within the realm of Computer Science Education; 

    • promoting inclusivity and accessibility by making essential topics in Computer Science education research more readily available and understandable, thus eliminating obstacles for early career researchers or non-experts to participate in research within the field 

  • Exchanging knowledge and experience on Computer Science education with Higher Education establishments: 

    • locally through participation and by attracting external stakeholders to teaching and learning events such as the Teaching Hours, the University of Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference, and related events across the University of Edinburgh; 

    • nationally and internationally, through visits and participation to teaching and learning events. 

  • Advertising successful outcomes and providing how-to guides to School of Informatics’s staff and students.