ICSA Colloquium - 10/03/2023

Talk Title: Dynamic Symbolic Execution for Evolving Software

Abstract: Dynamic symbolic execution has gathered a lot of attention in recent years as an effective technique for generating high-coverage test suites and finding deep errors in complex software applications.  Most work, however, has focused on whole-program testing.  In this talk, I will discuss recent efforts on adapting dynamic symbolic execution for evolving software, where the analysis effort is focused on recently changed code, i.e., on software patches.

Bio: Cristian Cadar is a Professor in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London, where he leads the Software Reliability Group (http://srg.doc.ic.ac.uk), working on automatic techniques for increasing the reliability and security of software systems.  Cristian's research has been recognised by several prestigious awards, including the IEEE TCSE New Directions Award, BCS Roger Needham Award, HVC Award, EuroSys Jochen Liedtke Award, and two test of time awards.  Many of the research techniques he co-authored have been used in both academia and industry.  In particular, he is co-author and maintainer of the KLEE symbolic execution system, a popular system with a large user base. Cristian has a PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University, and undergraduate and Master's degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Mar 10 2023 -

ICSA Colloquium - 10/03/2023

Cristian Cedar (Imperial College London)

G.07, IF