Course changes yr 1 and 2 REUSE

Used in: ITO handbooks 1 and 2 course guide

Course registration

You must contact your Personal Tutor in order to register or change your course options.

You will automatically be registered for the core courses that are required for your degree, but (unless you are on a joint degree) you will normally also need to register for some outside courses.

If you are resitting courses failed previously, your PT will also need to register you for those.

Choosing outside courses

Your outside courses must be at level 7 or level 8, and you must have fulfilled any prerequisites.  You also need to make sure the lectures and tutorials fit into your schedule. A full load of courses is 120 credits, and it is strongly recommended that you take 60 credits in each semester. If you wish to overload in one or both semesters, please discuss your reasons with your Personal Tutor.

Some courses (notably language courses) have limited capacity and fill up early, so it's good to contact your PT as soon as possible if you want one of these, and to have a back-up plan.

There are various tools to help you view course options:

Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS): Click through to this year's DRPS to browse all courses across the University.

PATH: A support tool with a nicer interface for choosing optional courses, checking your timetable, and building your degree programme.

List of common outside courses: A document put together yearly by one of the lecturers in Informatics, this lists some of the more common choices for 1st and 2nd year options.