Immigration & Visa Advice Reuse

used in: support sections for phd and mcsr in IGS

The advice provided on this page is strictly informal.  All students are encouraged to consult the University Student Immigration Service to properly clarify their own immigration status. 

Student Immigration Service

Student route visa applications & extensions

If you are a non-UK national and your main reason for coming to the UK is to study a full-time programme for more than six months, you will need to apply for a Student visa. You will also need to apply for a Student visa if you wish extend your stay to complete your studies, to do a work placement as part of your programme, or look for a part time job whilst you are studying.

For detailed information, please visit the Student Immigration Service's webpage on the student route visa.

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)

Certain science and technology programmes in the UK require you to have Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) clearance. You must apply for this before starting your studies.

If you need to apply for a student visa, you will need to obtain your ATAS certificate before you can make your visa application.

For detailed information, please visit the Student Immigration Service's webpage on the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS).

Method of study

The UoE Student Immigration Service confirms that all students sponsorted on a student visa must be studying on a full time basis, meaning any proposal to change to part-time study will be rejected on the basis of visa status. 

Doctorate Extension Scheme (DES)

The Doctorate Extension Scheme (DES) enables students who complete a PhD at a UK institution to extend their visa for one year in order to gain work experience in their field, have more time to find longer-term work and switch to a work visa, or set up as an entrepreneur. To apply under this scheme you will need to be sponsored by the University and make a new visa application before you complete your PhD. The DES visa will be granted for a period of 12 months from the expected completion date of your PhD. The visa is administered under the student permission to stay route.

Please visit the Student Immigration Service Doctorate Extension Scheme (DES) webpages for more information. 

New Scheme from 2021

The Home Office intends to introduce a new Graduate route in summer 2021. This will replace the Doctorate Extension Scheme.