AIAI Seminar-11 March 2024-Talk by Luna De Ferrari and Paola Galdi



Speaker: Luna De Ferrari


Title: A time & sanity-saving checklist ​for your medical data project

Abstract: Your medical data is incoming or you are writing a proposal to use some. The slides of this brief talk are meant as a checklist to help ask the right questions early. The talk draws from the real-life challenges of analysing a 12 million-patients medical dataset for our NIHR-funded AIM-CISC project. 


The final version of the slides will be available here: medical_data_management_AIAI_seminar_DeFerrari


Speaker: Paola Galdi


Title: A knowledge graph approach to predict the risk of fracture from electronic health records

Abstract: Knowledge graphs provide a structured way to represent complex relationships between entities. In the context of electronic health records, this means that medical concepts such as diagnoses, drug prescriptions, laboratory results and patient demographics can be represented along with their relationships in a meaningful manner. In this talk, I will describe an ongoing project using data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) to build a knowledge graph method to predict the risk of experiencing a fracture,  with the ultimate goal of supporting doctors in the choice of proper treatment and preventive care. I will discuss the co-design process involving clinicians and provide an overview of the challenges and future directions.



Mar 11 2024 -

AIAI Seminar-11 March 2024-Talk by Luna De Ferrari and Paola Galdi

AIAI Seminar hosted by Luna De Ferrari and Paola Galdi

Informatics Forum, G.03