EPSRC Funding Success: Bionics+

EPSRC funds Bionics+ Network Plus

Dr Nazarpour is Co-Investigator of a successful EPSRC funding bid to create the UK Bionics+ Network.

Bionics+ EPSRC Network
Bionics+ EPSRC Network

The Bionics+ network will represent the spectrum of research, clinical and industrial communities across bionic technologies within the EPSRC Grand Challenge theme of Frontiers of Physical Intervention. It will invigorate and support a cohesive, open and active network with the mission of creating a mutually supportive environment. It will lead to the co-creation of user-centred bionic solutions that are fit for purpose. These advances will have a global impact, consolidating the world-leading position of the UK.

The founding tranche will focus on ambitious and transformative research, new collaborative and translational activities, and the formulation of a longer-term strategy. Within this context, as a community, we will explore and identify areas of opportunity and value, driven by Bionics users' needs, complementary to existing activity and strengths. The network will instigate and support early-stage research in these priority areas, alongside providing an outward-facing representation and engagement of the UK Bionics community. Further, we aim to contribute in an advisory capacity to public bodies, UK industry and government policy.

EPSRC Bionics+ Network