ICSA/CDT in Data Science Seminar
Talk Title: Silver Linings: Giving Analytics in the Cloud an Edge When it Comes to Privacy
Abstract: This talk is about two approaches to reducing surveillance capitalism's worst excesses. One entails the use of secure enclaves for cloud computations. The second removes the creeping centralisation of the cloud altogether and replaces it with decentralized processing. The research is from two (or more) projects with colleagues at the Turing Institute, Cambridge and Imperial (and others).
Bio: Jon Crowcroft has been the Marconi Professor of Communications Systems in the Computer Laboratory since October 2001. He has worked in the area of Internet support for multimedia communications for over 30 years. Three main topics of interest have been scalable multicast routing, practical approaches to traffic management, and the design of deployable end-to-end protocols. Current active research areas are Opportunistic Communications, Social Networks, Privacy Preserving Analytics, and techniques and algorithms to scale infrastructure-free mobile systems. He leans towards a "build and learn" paradigm for research. Since 2016, he has been Programm Chair at the Turing, the UK's national Data Science and AI Institute. He graduated in Physics from Trinity College, University of Cambridge in 1979, gained an MSc in Computing in 1981 and PhD in 1993, both from UCL. He is a Fellow the Royal Society, a Fellow of the ACM, a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Fellow of the IET and the Royal Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the IEEE.
ICSA/CDT in Data Science Seminar
4.31/33, IF