Tuesday, 14th March 2023 - 2pm Debora Nozza : Seminar
Title: Roadmap to universal hate speech detection
An increasing propagation of hate speech has been detected on social media platforms (e.g., Twitter) where (pseudo-)anonymity enables people to target others without being recognized or easily traced. While this societal issue has attracted many studies in the NLP community, it comes with three important challenges. Hate speech detection models should be fair, work on every language, and consider the whole context (e.g., imagery). Solving these challenges will revolutionize the field of hate speech detection and help on creating a "universal" model. In this talk, I will present my contributions in this area along with my takes for future directions.
Debora Nozza is an Assistant Professor in Computing Sciences at Bocconi University. Her research interests mainly focus on Natural Language Processing, specifically on the detection and counter-acting of hate speech and algorithmic bias on Social Media data in multilingual context. She was recently awarded for her project MONICA, which will focus on monitoring coverage, attitudes, and accessibility of Italian measures in response to COVID-19.
Tuesday, 14th March 2023 - 2pm Debora Nozza : Seminar
Online by invitation