Informatics Accreditation Information.
The University of Edinburgh, like most UK universities, seeks accreditation of its degree courses by appropriate professional bodies in disciplines where this is relevant. In the case of computing degrees, course accreditation is sought from the British Computer Society (BCS), which is the Chartered Engineering Institution for Information Systems Engineering. Like all engineering institutions, the BCS assesses courses for accreditation against the standards laid down by the UK Engineering Council. Combined degrees with Electronics may also be accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Questions concerning IET accreditation should be addressed to the School of Engineering.
Institution of Engineering and Technology
BCS Accreditation
BCS awards accreditation to a variety of levels and with a variety of flavours. For our degrees, the relevant levels are Chartered IT Professional (CITP) and Chartered Engineer (CEng). Full details and explanations of these can be found through the relevant BCS pages (external).
The most recent BCS accreditation visit took place in October 2021 where the BEng Computer Science was successfully presented for accreditation from 2021 - 2026. Where a student fails to achieve the BCS accreditation requirements they will be transferred onto the BSc Computer Science programme for award. Students on any unaccredited degrees, may seek individual accreditation directly through the BCS.
Degrees Accredited for CITP (including Further Learning), CEng (full)
- MInf in Informatics
subject to the condition that the student passes the project without compensation. These accreditations were granted for intakes from 2015-2019 inclusive.
Degrees Accredited for CITP, CEng (partial)
These accreditations were granted for all intakes from 2015-2019 inclusive
- BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence
- BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science
- BEng (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence & Software Engineering
- BEng (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence with Management
- BEng/BSc (Hons) in Computer Science
- BEng (Hons) in Computer Science & Electronics
- BEng (Hons) in Computer Science with Management
- BEng (Hons) in Software Engineering
- BEng (Hons) in Software Engineering with Management
all on the condition that students
- pass the Informatics honours project without compensation, and
- undertake the Professional Issues course, and
- undertake either the System Design Project or the CS/SE individual practical
Degrees Accredited for CITP (partial)
The following accreditations were granted for all intakes from 2015-2019.
- BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence & Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) in Cognitive Science
- BSc (Hons) in Computer Science & Management Science
- BSc (Hons) in Computer Science & Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) in Computer Science & Physics
all on the condition that students
- pass the Informatics honours project without compensation, and
- undertake the Professional Issues course
Degrees Accredited for CITP (Further Learning only)
The following accreditations were granted for all intakes from 2015-2019.
- MSc Artificial Intelligence
- MSc Cognitive Science
- MSc Computer Science
- MSc Informatics
- MSc Design Informatics
- MSc Advanced Design Informatics
University register of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (external)