Contact us

How to contact LFCS.

Administration Portfolio Manager Portfolio Manager
LFCS Administration  Carrie McNamee Laura Rich
LFCS - IF 4.37  LFCS - IF 3.35 LFCS - IF 3.35

School of Informatics

University of Edinburgh

10 Crichton Street

Edinburgh EH8 9AB

School of Informatics

University of Edinburgh

10 Crichton Street

Edinburgh EH8 9AB

School of Informatics

University of Edinburgh

10 Crichton Street

Edinburgh EH8 9AB

t: 0131 6505132 t: 0131 6504442 t: 0131 6502725



Institute Director Deputy Director Deputy Director
Julian Bradfield Chris Heunen Rik Sarkar

School of Informatics

University of Edinburgh

10 Crichton Street

Edinburgh EH8 9AB

School of Informatics

University of Edinburgh

10 Crichton Street

Edinburgh EH8 9AB

School of Informatics

University of Edinburgh

10 Crichton Street

Edinburgh EH8 9AB

LFCS IF-4.07

LFCS-IF 5.25

LFCS IF-3.45
t: 0131 650 5998 t: 0131 650 2865 t. 0131 650 4444
jcb @
Chris.Heunen @
rsarkar @

Please contact LFCS Administration regarding any updates or amendments to the website.

How to find us

Edinburgh is well-connected and accessible through several means of transport. The Informatics Forum is located at the George Square Campus near the centre of town.

Informatics Forum location