Cohort 2020

Meet the CDT NLP's second cohort of Doctoral Researchers

Photo of CDT NLP students from Cohort 20
Photo of Anil Batra

Anil Batra

Research Interests: Develop interpretable neural models for multi-modal (Language and Vision) summarisation.

Research Topic:  Instructional video understanding 

Supervisors: Laura Sevilla; Frank Keller

Agostina Calabrese

Agostina Calabrese

Research Interests: Policy-aware explainable abuse detection.

Research Topic: Policy-aware explainable abuse detection 

Supervisors: Björn Ross; Mirella Lapata

Photo of Verna Dankers

Verna Dankers  

Research Interests: The evaluation and development of techniques for compositional generalisation in neural models of artificial and natural languages.

Research Topic: Memorisation meets compositionality in natural language processing

Supervisors: Ivan Titov; Chris Lucas

Radina Dobreva

Radina Dobreva   

Research Interests: Multi-domain neural machine translation and domain generalisation.

Research Topic: Exploring movie audio description through the lens of video semantic role labeling

Supervisors: Lexi Birch; Frank Keller

nlp avatar holding image

Lauren Fletcher 

Research Interests: Neuro-atypicalities and how they affect language learning, use, universals and evolution.

Research Topic: Language evolution and neurodiversity

Supervisors: Jenny Culbertson; Hugh Rabagliati

Shawn Guo

Shawn Guo   

Research Interests: Exploring how emergent languages from multi-agent systems could help to transfer knowledge across different environments, with the help from deep reinforcement learning and iterated learning methods.

Research Topic: Cultural evolution in the age of generative AI: language as a case study

Supervisors: Kenny Smith; Stefano Albrecht

Photo of Matthias Lindemann

Matthias Lindemann   

Research Interests: Improving compositional generalisation in semantic parsing.

Research Topic: Improving compositional generalization of semantic parsers 

Supervisors: Ivan Titov: Alexander Koller

Danyang Liu - new5

Danyang Liu   

Research Interests: Natural language generation especially variational auto-encoder and multi-modal language understanding.

Research Topic: Grounded Visual Story Telling

Supervisors: Frank Keller; Mirella Lapata/Ivan Titov



Wanqiu Long

Wanqiu Long

Research Interests:  Multi-sentence question-answering and document-level neural machine translation.

Research Topic: Exploiting label inter-relations can enhance implicit discourse relation recognition

Supervisors: Bonnie Webber; Siddharth Narayanaswamy

Photo of Atli Sigurgeirsson

Atli Sigurgeirsson    

Research Interests: Understanding and controlling prosody and style in end-to-end text-to-speech synthesis.

Research Topic: Interpretation of TTS models from a controllability perspective

Supervisors: Simon King; Sharon Goldwater

Photo of Siqi Sun

Siqi Sun

Research Interests: Transfer learning from linguistic resources to end-to-end text-to-speech synthesis.

Research Topic:  Sequence-to-Sequence Linguistic Frontend Modelling for Text-to-Speech and Its Improvement

Supervisors: Korin Richmond; Hao Tang


Research Interests: Social bias in NLP, computational social science, ethics.

Research Topic: In theory and in practice: A holistic inquiry into the impact of biased language technologies

Supervisors: Björn Ross; Vaishak Belle; Zachary Horne

Zheng Zhao

Zheng Zhao   

Research Interests: Toward faithfulness: Fact-preserving natural language generation.

Research Topic: Matrix factorization for representation analysis

Supervisors: Shay Cohen; Bonnie Webber