Welcome talks and confirming attendance

The programme of activities for students who are continuing their studies in the School of Informatics

Confirming attendance

During Welcome Week or the first week of the semester, the School will invite you to attend the Welcome Talk for your year – see below for details. You can confirm your attendance at this event, so please make sure to bring your student card with you.

If you cannot get to your Welcome Talk, you will be invited to confirm your attendance at a specific time during the week of the 16th September. Your Student Adviser will contact you with information about when and where to confirm attendance.

Please note: You will not be fully matriculated as a student until your attendance has been confirmed by your Student Adviser, which needs to be completed by Friday 27th September 2024 (end of week 2); after this date you will be referred to the College Office and you may not be permitted to commence your studies.

University matriculation information

Welcome Talk details and slides

See below for details of year Welcome Talks, including slides.