AAAI committee selects Nadin Kokciyan as a speaker for the AAAI New Faculty Highlights Program!
In her talk, Nadin explains how she is using AI techniques to preserve privacy in online systems.
This year, the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence launched a new invited speaker program highlighting AI researchers who have just begun careers as new faculty members or the equivalent in industry. Applications were adjudicated by a committee consisting of the AAAI-21 chairs and a diverse group of AAAI Fellows.
New Faculty Highlight participants have submitted pre-recorded videos for viewing throughout the conference, which broadly survey the candidate’s research to date. Invited speakers will also be invited to contribute an article to a corresponding series in AI Magazine.
In her talk, Nadin explains how she is using AI techniques to preserve privacy in online systems. The talk will be accessed online during the AAAI-21 conference which is being held from 2nd - 9th February 2021.
Further information
AAAI New Faculty Highlights Program