Data-Driven Innovation Fellowship awarded to Dr. Xiao Chen
Data-Driven Innovation Fellowship awarded to Dr. Xiao Chen
5G technologies enable large-scale and distributed smart mobile devices to join in the network, and enables fast growth of new smart mobile services such as decentralised financial applications. Dr. Xiao Chen, a post-doc research fellow in AIAI, has been awarded a prestigious Data-Driven Innovation Fellowship (EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie) by DDI to address such challenges. The project is supervised by Dr. Tiejun Ma (Reader in Business Informatics) and together with Polydigi Ltd, a fintech firm with award-winning new mobile technologies with Smart City Award 2018 and a RBS award fintech startup. This project will particularly explore the synergies of academic expertise within AIAI and data innovations with commercial potential.
The project will explore smart mobile technologies and client-facing trusted systems with large-scale mobile users. The research team will explore integrated data-driven design to optimise the performance of the next generation mobile services for banks, trading and insurance firms with trustworthy transaction technologies. The project team will adopt an inter-disciplinary research methodology combining distributed/parallel trust algorithm design, data-driven mathematical optimisation, modelling smart mobile users and easy to use financial transaction applications to address the research objectives.
The project outcomes aim to provide research-led disruptive innovation which would enable customised distributed fintech infrastructure provision and would lead to better designed “bespoke” fintech solutions. It is also expected to achieve significant economic impacts for the finance industry through mobile applications efficiently and effectively.