Natural language processing and computational linguistics
Including topics such as biomedical NLP, markup technology, semantics, discourse, machine learning for NLP, natural language generation, parsing and machine translation.
Annotation and markup technology
Automatic summarization
Mirella Lapata, Shay Cohen, Bonnie Webber
Biomedical NLP
Computational semantics
Mirella Lapata, Alex Lascarides,Bonnie Webber, Mark Steedman, Shay Cohen
Alex Lascarides, Johanna Moore, Bonnie Webber, Shay Cohen, Mark Steedman
Machine learning for NLP
Sharon Goldwater, Mirella Lapata,Shay Cohen, Adam Lopez, Ivan Titov
Natural language generation
Mirella Lapata, Johanna Moore, Ivan Titov
Natural language parsing
Frank Keller, Mark Steedman, Shay Cohen, Adam Lopez, Ivan Titov
Machine translation
Philipp Koehn, Kenneth Heafield
Unsupervised and minimally supervised NLP
Sharon Goldwater, Adam Lopez, Ivan Titov