Allocation of duties process
The processes involved in allocation of duties.
Allocation Process
- The Deputy Head of School, in discussion with the Director of Teaching, decides what teaching and administrative duties are to be allocated in the forthcoming year and what student intake numbers to target (generally November).
- The Deputy Head of School, in discussion with the Director of Institute and the individual concerned, decides whether any individual should be allocated an increased or reduced teaching or admin load based on research grant buy-out or exceptionally high admin roles – in accordance with the School’s policy (generally December).
- The Directors of Institute, in consultation with the Director and Deputy Director of Teaching allocate teaching and admin duties, in consultation with individuals (generally December/January).
- The draft allocation is discussed and amended as necessary in consultation with Directors of Institute and individuals (generally end January).
- The default date for the handover of duties is 1 August. However, this date will not be appropriate in all circumstances so the incumbent and their successor should agree on the handover process, particularly for MSc-related activities. For instance, the incumbent may retain responsibility for the business of the outgoing academic year with their successor taking responsibility for the business of the incoming academic year. Non-standard agreements should be reported to the Deputy Head of School, Director of Institute and any other relevant office holders.