PhD in Data Science

Information about the PhD in Data Science.

Progression to the PhD in Data Science

Progression from the first year MSc by Research to your PhD is contingent on making satisfactory academic progress during the first year. In general, if you have a mark of 65% or above on both your coursework and dissertation, we will consider this evidence of satisfactory progress. If your marks are below this, you may still be allowed to progress, but only if we can be otherwise satisfied that you have the ability to successfully complete a PhD. These decisions will be taken by the CDT in Data Science Executive Committee, most likely towards the end of August.

Data Science Executive Committee

In addition to the successful completion of the MSc by Research programme (Year 1), progression to the PhD in Data Science is contingent on the approval of an outline PhD project proposal proposal within the first few months of Year 2. Guidelines and deadline dates can be found here:

Preparing & submitting your outline PhD project proposal

Actions to take once your outline PhD project proposal has been approved

PhD Guidelines & Milestones

After the approval of their PhD projects, CDT in Data Science students are governed by the same procedures as any other PhD student, as described in the Informatics Graduate School (IGS) webpages, and should ensure they meet the guidelines as outlined in the Monitoring links below:

  • Information for Informatics PhD students
  • PhD yearly timelines
  • Formal student monitoring
  • Researcher's handbook
  • Archived PhD theses
  • Submitting your thesis
  • Finally, when you leave...

It is your responsibility to ensure you meet the requirements and milestones for PhD students and should discuss any questions you have with your supervisor(s).

Pastoral Care: Your supervisors, and/or your 3rd panel member, can also provide you with pastoral support should you need it at any point during your research.  In addition the deputy director of the CDT has the primary role of representing student interests and providing a one-to-one point of contact for any CDT student who has any issue they wish to talk about. You also have access to any member of staff in the Graduate School, in particular the Head of Student Services, the Deputy Head of Graduate School and CDT Administrator.

Student Counselling:

Resolving Problems: