LFCS Seminar: Tuesday, 18 October - Jacques Carette

Title:  From structured theories to efficient code in 6 easy steps


Abstract:  Writing efficient, correct code by hand is difficult and time consuming.  Writing a large library of efficient, correct and useful algorithms is daunting.  However, if one approaches this task via generic and generative programming, in a typed setting, the task gets considerably easier.  By leveraging much of the structural information buried in the foundations of mathematics and computer science, we can build a libraries with wide coverage but in relatively few lines of code, through a succession of abstraction layers. The general tools as well as some specific case studies (prototype implementations) will be presented.

Oct 18 2022 -

LFCS Seminar: Tuesday, 18 October - Jacques Carette

Jacques Carette McMaster University https://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/~carette/

IF G.03