LFCS Seminar: 20 July 2022- Ori Lahav

Title: What's Decidable about Causally Consistent Shared Memory?




While causal consistency is one of the most fundamental consistency

models weaker than sequential consistency, the decidability of

safety verification for (finite-state) concurrent programs running

under causally consistent shared-memories is still unclear. We

establish the decidability of this problem for two standard and

well-studied variants of causal consistency. To do so, for each of the

variants, we develop an equivalent "lossy" operational semantics,

and show that it constitutes a well-structured transition system,

which enables decidable verification. The two novel semantics are

based on similar key observations, which, we believe, may also be of

independent use in the investigation of weakly consistent shared

memory models and their verification. Interestingly, our results are

in contrast to the undecidability of this problem under the

Release/Acquire fragment of the C/C++11 memory model, which forms

another variant of a causally consistent memory that, in terms of

allowed outcomes, lies strictly between the two models we study.

Nevertheless, all these variants coincide for

write/write-race-free programs, which implies the decidability of

verification for such programs under Release/Acquire.


(Joint work with Udi Boker, partly presented at PLDI'20)



Jul 20 2022 -

LFCS Seminar: 20 July 2022- Ori Lahav

Speaker: Ori Lahav (Tel Aviv University) https://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~orilahav/

IF G.03