LFCS Seminar: 5 July 2022 - Jane Hillston

Title:   A random walk in quantitative verification



When I started work on the modelling language PEPA during my PhD I did

not have any great scheme or plan.  But it planted a seed that has

flourished and developed into a branch of research in quantitative

verification.  Julian has asked me to give a talk about that

development, from a very personal perspective.  So this talk will be

mild on technical detail but will provide one example of how a

career and a programme of work has successfully progressed over thirty

years, with reflections on the scientific questions that motivated me,

integrating work and life, and lessons that I have learned in a very

general sense.



Prof. Jane Hillston is professor of Quantitative Modelling and Head of School in the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh,



The University of Edinburgh



Jul 05 2022 -

LFCS Seminar: 5 July 2022 - Jane Hillston

Speaker: Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jeh/

Informatics Forum, The University of Edinburgh

Room G.03 (Ground floor)