Tier 4 policy for Informatics taught students
Tier 4 Student Attendance and Engagement Monitoring Policy for Informatics Taught Students.
As a 'sponsor' of international students within the UK immigration system, the University is required to evidence Tier 4 student attendance and engagement. International students (non-UK; non-EU) often require a Tier 4 General Student visa to study in the UK. Though other types of Visas are possible (for example if the student is permitted to study while holding a spouse visa), Tier 4 General Student visas are the most common. See UK Visa Requirements for additional information.
As a Tier 4 student, the University of Edinburgh is the sponsor of your UK visa. The University has a number of legal duties to manage our sponsorship of your visa. These include:
- monitoring your attendance on your programme and
- reporting to the Home Office where you suspend or withdraw from your studies, complete them early, fail to register or are repeatedly absent to the point of being excluded from studies.
The School of Informatics is responsible for its students and as a student with a Tier 4 visa sponsored by the University of Edinburgh, the terms of your visa require you to, (amongst others):
- Ensure you have a correct and valid visa for studying at the University of Edinburgh, which, if a Tier 4 visa, requires that it is a visa sponsored by the University of Edinburgh;
- Attend all of your University classes, lectures, tutorials, etc. where required. This includes participating in the requirements of your course including submitting assignments, attending meetings with tutors and attending examinations. If you cannot attend due to illness, for example, you must inform your School.
The School will monitor your engagement with your studies and take action if there are patterns of non-engagement.
Please note that any email relating to your Tier 4 sponsorship will be sent to your University email address - you should therefore check this regularly.