Informatics research information.
Research Services
School of Informatics support for researchers: contacts, policies and procedures relating to research funding application
and award
Small devices for loan
There are several small devices available for loan such as mobile phones, tablets, IoT gadgets, RF Hacking Kit etc.
All our events related to research in Informatics.
Ethics and integrity
Information about ethics and integrity
Institute links
ANC - Institute for Adaptive & Neural Computation | ICSA - Institute for Computing Systems Architecture |
AIAI - Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute | IPAB - Institute of Perception, Action & Behaviour |
ILCC - Institute for Language, Cognition & Computation | LFCS - Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science |
Informatics Research Calendar
The Informatics Research Calendar captures forthcoming research-related events, deadlines and reminders.
iCal file download - for importing into non-Google calendar