Exceptional circumstances

Information about the exceptional circumstances process

We are committed to supporting you during your studies. If there is a situation beyond your control that you feel may have an adverse impact on your academic performance, you can apply for special circumstances.

Before applying, you should discuss your situation with your Student Adviser.  They will be able to advise you on your individual situation, help you access additional support if necessary,  and guide you through the process of submitting your application.

To apply for exceptional circumstances for an assessment, use the online Assessment Support Tool to make the request to the Exceptional Circumstances Service (ECS) team.  The ECS team will assess your application and let you know if your application has been validated.  You will need to apply by appropriate School deadline.

Exceptional Circumstances Deadlines

Apply for exceptional circumstances

If your application is validated by ECS it will be considered by the Exceptional Circumstances Committee (ECC) which meets prior to the relevant Boards of Examiners.

  • Semester 1 courses may be considered in either the January or June Board. 
  • Semester 2 courses will always be considered in the June Board.
  • Reassessment will be considered in the August Board.
  • Postgraduate dissertation and award will be considered in the October Board.

Where valid Exceptional Circumstances apply, the Exceptional Circumstances Committee will make recommendations to the Board(s) of Examiners under the permitted options of the University Exceptional Circumstances Policy.  The Board of Examiners cannot change marks however the application of the Exceptional Circumstances Policy ensures that, where possible, the course mark presented to the Board of Examiners is as reliable as possible.  Where a course mark is not fully reliable, action at programme level can be taken within the Exceptional  Circumstances Policy in the best academic interests of each student to facilitate progression and/or award for Honours and Masters students.  For non-honours students with valid exceptional circumstances who have failed a course, the Board will offer a "Null Sit" to take assessment in the August diet.

Outcomes from validated Exceptional Circumstances cases will be communicated after they have been considered by the relevant Board(s) of Examiners and published to you alongside your final course mark.  Your Student Adviser can write you a reference outlining any factors that have affected your mark(s) with your consent.

For full details, including the list of possible outcomes, see the University's Exceptional Circumstances Policy.

Exceptional Circumstances Policy