IPAB Workshop-18/03/2021



Title: From Automation to Learned Autonomy - A New Era for Intelligent RobotsAbstract: One of the overarching scientific goals of robot control of physical interactions is to develop machines to traverse various terrains, deliver payload, and perform manipulation & grasping tasks with a mixed level of autonomy: from remote control to fully autonomous operation. This talk will cover main research challenges in control, planning, and machine learning, and the innovation of these research domains that can make a step change for solving real-world problems. Particularly, I will cover some specific techniques on multi-skill learning of locomotion and manipulation and a discussion on sim2real. I will showcase some new results from deep reinforcement learning combined with control techniques in a hierarchical framework to self-learn goal-oriented policies on various locomotion, dexterous manipulation & grasping tasks.

Mar 18 2021 -

IPAB Workshop-18/03/2021

Zhibin Li

Blackboard Collaborate