CDT NLP Management Team

Meet the team responsible for the delivery of the programme

CDT President
Oversees scientific programme, primary contact for UKRI and External Advisory Board.
CDT Director
Coordinates Recruitment/Selection of cohorts, Group Research Projects, Bayes Centre Liaison.

Bjorn Ross

Bjorn Ross

CDT Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Champion; Student Support

Oversees E,D&I and provides support and guidance to students.

CDT Training Coordinator
Oversees Taught component, Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) Champion.
CDT Liaison to the School of PPLS
Oversees coordination with LEL for programme delivery and student recruitment, Oversees Public Engagement/Outreach.
CDT Coordinator
Oversees delivery of programme and administration.




CDT NLP Executive Team

The Executive Team meets bi-monthly and comprises the CDT NLP Management Team +

Head of Informatics Student Services Neil Heatley  
Graduate School Manager Sophie Ramette CDT Portfolio Manager and leads on all the operational aspects of the CDT; responsible for all matters relating to the administrative operation of the Informatics Graduate School
Business Development Manager Ken Scott Coordinates industry investment, partnerships and events; assists with internships