Course Lecturer
Course lecturer responsibilities.
- 20pts worth of courses [normally 10pts for new lecturing staff], where a standard Hons course is worth 10pts.
- maintain online course DRPS information, liaising with Board of Studies where necessary.
- maintain course web pages providing information and resources for students.
- prepare lecture handouts, keeping as much online as possible [under EU access laws, handouts have to be available in machine readable form].
- timely publication of lecture materials and assignment details.
- set, distribute and mark coursework assignments, providing adequate feedback within two weeks of submission deadline.
- take responsibility for Teaching Support staff working on your course; Teaching Assistants, Tutors, Markers etc.
- set and mark all examinations [including any resit and/or December VUG exams].
- respond to External Examiner comments on scrutinised exam papers and assignments.
- attendance at relevant Board of Examiners meetings.
- reporting to subsequent BoE with any unresolved course student performance issues.
- attendance at exam paper scrutiny meetings [to help double check exam scripts from other courses].
- attendance at Board of Studies and Teaching Committee meetings.
- respond to student e-mails, agreeing to meet with students who call to seek help.
- implement adjustments recommended by student Learning Profiles.