TC Agenda 12th of December 2017

Teaching Committee Agenda for 12th of December 2017.

Meeting Agenda

Informatics Teaching Committee Agenda

Tuesday 12th December 2017 14.00hrs, Appleton Tower room 7.14



18.17 Apologies for absence

18.18 Minutes of previous meeting

18.19 Matters Arising

(TC 10th May 2017, Matters Arising 3.2) - Revised Exam Scrutiny Process.

ACTION: ITO to update Semester 2 Exam Setting Deadlines; to be completed.


(TC May 10th, Item 4) - Proposal to Remove Elevated Hurdles for Progression to Honours - B. Franke.

ACTION: DoT to contact Business School, Convenor to contact PPLS.


18.04 Moderating IPP Marks - G. Sanguinetti

ACTION: The DoT will consult with the Convenors on the subject and get back to the proposer.


18.12 Draft Learning and Teaching Plan - Director of Teaching

ACTION: ITO to hold SSLCs this semester. The DoT will review the role of Year Organiser.


18.16-01 (AOCB) Food and Drink in Labs

ACTION: ITO will put up signs discouraging eating in computer labs.

RESPONSE: Complete.


18.06-03 (AOCB) Student access to the Forum.

ACTION: ITO to look into this.

RESPONSE: Martin Wright and DoT emailed 17/11/2017, awaiting comments.



18.20 School of Informatics QA Report 2016/17 - DoT / John Longley