TC Agenda 27th June 2019

Teaching Committee Agenda for 27th June 2019.

Meeting Agenda

Informatics Teaching Committee Agenda

14.00hrs, Informatics Forum 5.02



19.53 Apologies for absence

19.54 Minutes of Previous Meetings

19.55 Matters Arising

18.29-01 – Software Options for Coursework Submission.

ACTION: Convenor to contact Learning Technologist with regards to giving a presentation to staff on LEARN .  Learning Technologist held a session during Teaching Day regarding this.


18.59-02: Course Moderation Guidelines.

The BoE Convenors are officially responsible for ensuring that moderation guidelines are available. DoLT has contacted the convenors about this and hopes they will be able to report back for the December meeting of TC.

ACTION: The DoLT is to contact the Convenors on this. OUTSTANDING.


19.06 Proposal to limit MSc project Report Lengths, S.Goldwater.

ACTION 5: Convenor to liaise with Richard Mayr about decoupling the ECA/DI Masters Dissertation from the main Masters Dissertation. Also a conversation about marking loads is required.

ACTION 6: An interim report on the subject of English language requirements is to be brought to the next TC,  (Convenor/ITO.)

RESPONSE (Katey Lee, Student Support Team): "There is no supporting evidence of a correlation between English language requirements and progression amongst the MSc students who are not able to progress at this stage. I will provide further information after the Board of Examiners when the full list of students who have not progressed in 2018/19 becomes available. "


19.27 Exam Marking Policy - Director of Learning and Teaching

The proposal is to set a policy that governs who can mark exam scripts, and where they can be marked. The DoLT's initial take on the subject was:

 * If the academic who set the paper is going to mark it then they can take it out of the building provided they take full responsibility for any loss.

* otherwise the academic who set the paper is responsible for the security of the papers and to assist with this we require all marking to take place in the Forum or AT.

One member of staff asked whether staff should be allowed to take papers out of Edinburgh, as papers have been lost in the past during travel.

Another pointed out the need to define exactly who markers are in the policy, considering that PhDs mark papers.

ACTION: DoLT to provide a full policy document.

19.56 Alteration of all Exam Rubrics - Informatics Teaching Organisation

The current examination paper rubrics do not indicate if an exam is closed book; it is assumed that if the subject is not mentioned, the exam is not open book. For clarity, each rubric should state whether the exam is open book or closed book.

19.57  (For Information) Pre-Registration of Course Choices for Continuing Students - Gillian Bell ITO and Paul Jackson

19.58 Teaching Support Staff Policy

19.59 Date of next Teaching Committee - Wed 10th July 2019 (Committee does not sit in June due to Board of Examiners meetings)

19.60 AOCB