Finding Funding Opportunities, funder news, funding contacts.
Research Professional is an online database of research funding opportunities and a source of national and international research policy and practice news. UoE staff are free to use it to browse, create and save searches and alerts and to use it as a networking tool. |
If you've not used it before, or to get the most from it, check the Getting Started guide. |
It's not only news and funding opportunities: you can search for existing awards by institution or by funder, giving you an idea of who funds what, or use the Know How section for guidance on developing winning proposals from leading PIs and research managers. |
There is a range of other searchable funding opportunity platforms including:
Early Career Researchers Central - By early career researchers (ECRs) for ECRs to find and discuss funding opportunities, share experiences, mentor peers, and create impact through community engagement. Funding, travel grants and other resources. |
Global Challenges Research Fund and other international funding opportunities: The UUKi 'Gateway to international opportunities' is a regularly updated depository of funding opportunities for international research collaboration and knowledge exchange, aimed at UK based researchers/institutions |
US Federal Grants and Funding - |
European Funding - European Commission Participant Portal for events, news and funding calls. UK status concerns? Speak to your portfolio manager. |
UKRI - all Research Councils and Innovate UK Funding Finder |
And for translational and industrial funding opportunities (speak to your Business Development Executive first)