16-Month Post Doctoral Research Appointment in CISA, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

We are seeking a researcher to join the DARE project and develop a significant new strategy for enabling users to create, control and use Concepts, Methods, Data and Collections virtualised and mapped to heterogeneous, distributed e-Infrastructures.

We are seeking a researcher to  join the DARE project and develop a significant new strategy for enabling users to create, control and use Concepts, Methods, Data and Collections virtualised and mapped to heterogeneous, distributed e-Infrastructures. This will require a Knowledge Base describing the entities, their relevant properties, relationships and mappings referring to remote data, functions and services. The gains expected are extension of access to significant data and computational power in ways in which preserve application-domain semantics while exploiting target platform advances. Expertise in the following topics: linked-open data, graph databases, ontology applications, distributed query optimisation, scientific workflow systems or lazy expression evaluation, would be beneficial. A vital goal is to improve understandability and precision in communication between disciplines, groups, organisations and software. This depends on enabling communities, groups and individuals to tailor their work environment to their own focus with the KB coordinating multiple views of each entity.

The will work in the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh and interact with colleagues in EPCC and the DARE project project-dare.eu. The strategy will be tested with colleagues developing new methods in computational seismology and climate-change impact modelling.

The advertisement, the deadline has been extended to 8 May , is here:
