Francisco J. Quesada Real's team awarded the second prize at the Open IoT Challenge
The Open IoT Challenge
Francisco J. Quesada Real's team have been awarded the second prize at the Open IoT Challenge organised by the Eclipse Foundation.
Over the past few weeks the team (Francisco J. Estrella (PhD), Francisco Moya (Wave App) and Francisco J. Quesada Real (CISA, University of Edinburgh)) have been spending part of their free time on developing their idea of Trusting IoT. To do so, the group presented a PoC of a trusted positioning system for nursing homes that can be used to guarantee appropriate care of the elderly.
The solution uses Eclipse Kura and Bluetooth low-energy beacons to implement the indoor positioning system. The most original and significant feature of their proposal is the use of the IOTA distributed ledger as a way to store a permanent and unalterable history of the positions of the residents at any point in time.
Francisco J. Quesada Real would like to say that by participating in this challenge, which a priori seemed to be a bit far from his current research, he has learned interesting new concepts that will be used in his research in the short-term.