Paper accepted at e-Health 2017

Development of workflow-based guidelines for the care of burns in Scotland by Ailsa Dewanti, Petros Papapanagiotou, Charlotte Gilhooly, Jacques Fleuriot, Areti Manataki and Laura Moss

This paper describes our collaboration with the Care Of Burns In Scotland (COBIS - network to analyse and record standard practices for the first 24 hours of care for adult patients with severe burns. Our aim is to streamline and standardize their care processes in order to minimize errors and omissions in practice and suggest optimisations. The relevant knowledge is captured iteratively by interviewing the involved medical staff, and then recorded in the form of visual workflow guidelines that can be easily read and understood.  We believe our wokflow-based approach is an effective methodology to document and share guidelines for patient care, provided they are developed in close collaboration with clinical stakeholders. The 9th International Conference on e-Health ( will be held 20-22 July 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal as part of the 11th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS - 2017.