Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce and Trading Agents Design and Analysis (AMEC/TADA)
Sofia Ceppi organising workshop in conjunction with AAMAS 2017
This year, AMEC/TADA workshop encourages submission of preliminary work and papers to be submitted or in preparation for submission to other major venues in our field. These papers will not be considered for any archival post-proceedings publication. The sole criteria for acceptance of any paper will be scientific quality and relevance, and interest to the workshop audience.
The design and analysis of electronic commerce systems and automated trading agents involves finding solutions to a large and diverse array of problems, concerning individual agent behaviours, interaction, and collective behaviour. A wide variety of electronic commerce scenarios and systems, and agent approaches to these, have been studied in recent years.
These studies suggest models that support the design and the analysis at both the level of the single agent and the level of the multi-agent system.
The primary goal of this workshop is to continue to bring together novel work from diverse fields as Computer Science, Game Theory, Economics, Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Systems that focus on modelling, implementation, and evaluation of computational trading agents and markets.
Full details and submission information: