ICSA paper to get Honourable Mention in IEEE Micro Top Picks of 2020
Hermes: Fast, Fault-Tolerant and Linearizable Data Replication
Many congratulations to Boris Grot, Vijay Nagarajan and their current/former PhD students Antonis Katsarakis, Vasilis Gavrielatos and Arpit Joshi, whose ASPLOS 2020 paper on Hermes has been selected for Honorable Mention in the IEEE Micro Top Picks list for 2020.
Top Picks recognizes the most significant and insightful papers that have the potential to influence the work of computer architects for years to come. Any computer architecture paper published in the top conferences of 2020 was eligible.
A link to the paper is included below:
Hermes: Fast, Fault-Tolerant and Linearizable Data Replication. A. Katsarakis, V. Gavrielatos, A. Joshi, M.R.S. Katebzadeh, B. Grot, V. Nagarajan, A. Dragojevic. In 25th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2020.