Two ICSA papers to be presented at ISCA 2021 Conference
The International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 14-19 2021
Congrtaulations go to Vijay Nagarajan and Sam Ainsworth (and their respective collaborators), who between them have two ICSA papers that will be presented at the The International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA).
ISCA is the premier forum for new ideas and experimental results in computer architecture.
The successful papers are:
"Vector Runahead" by Sam Ainsworth and collaborators from Cambridge and Ghent.
"Dvé: Improving DRAM Reliability and Performance On-Demand via Coherent Replication" lead by Adarsh Patil, and ICSA researchers Vijay Nagarajan, Nicolai Oswald and ex-ICSA visitor Rajeev Balasubromanian (Utah).