Mah-Rukh Fida presents at IEEE INFOCOM 2017 Conference
ICSA PhD student's paper was accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2017 Conference
Congratulations to ICSA PhD student Ms. Mah-Rukh Fida whose paper 'ZipWeave: Towards Efficient and Reliable Measurement based Mobile Coverage Maps' with her supervisor Mahesh Marina and collaborators at Simula Research Laboratory in Norway (Andra Lutu and Ozgu Alay) was accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2017 Conference.
Short abstract
ZipWeave is a novel measurement data collection methodology for generating efficient and reliable measurement based mobile coverage maps. It incorporates a novel non-uniform sampling strategy, exploiting sub-regions with similar radio propagation characteristics, to achieve reliable coverage maps with reduced sample size. Another key feature of ZipWeave is to combine high-quality controlled measurements (that present limited geographic footprint similar to drive tests) with crowdsourced measurements (with a wider footprint), which is shown to result in more reliable mobile coverage maps overall