The Alan Turing Institute-Waseda University MoU signing

14th November 2022, Tokyo, Japan

MoU signing
The Alan Turing Institute-Waseda University MoU signing

On the 14th November 2022, Waseda University, Tokyo, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Alan Turing Institute, London in the presence of Professor Sethu Vijayakumar, Programme Director for Human-AI Interfaces and Robotics, Professor Tetsuya Ogata, Director, Institute for AI and Robotics, Waseda University and Jun Ohya, Chairperson, Waseda University Future Robotics Research Organisation. 

This agreement will allow both organisations to officially start the Moonshot programme which will facilitate researcher and student exchange whilst promoting the establishment of future joint research projects. 


Further information 

The Alan Turing Institute
Waseda University