Turing Lecture: Building Dynamic Robots with Boston Dynamics
In conversation with Marc Raibert of Boston Dynamics: 22 Sep 2020 (3 pm BST)
Public opinion of robots has seen a positive turn since the global lockdown. Their use in hospitals, as social distancing assistance and personal companions have given us more reason than ever to welcome them into our lives, our homes and our public services. In this lecture, Professor Sethu Vijayakumar joined Marc Raibert, the man behind one of the biggest robotics companies in the world, Boston Dynamics.
Discussions took place on the latest robots currently being worked on at Boston dynamics, new robots being developed and a live demonstration took place of a robot being operated across continents (Edinburgh to Boston). Q&A session followed.

Events Page: https://www.turing.ac.uk/events/turing-lecture-building-dynamic-robots
Further Information
YouTube - Boston Dynamic Lecture