Director of CDT

Information on the Director of CDT role.

The Director  is responsible for creating, maintaining, and improving the training programme offered by the Centre. With input from an executive committee and an industrial or international advisory board, the Director is responsible for setting the overall scientific strategy, determining the policies and procedures governing the Centre, deciding on directions for future activities, managing recruitment, admissions, progression, and review of students, managing issues that arise with specific students and supervisors, and managing the centre's funds to best achieve its goals. The Director also represents the Centre in negotiations with external organisations such as its funding agencies, industrial partners, and any international external advisory board, with internal contacts such as School administrators and student supervisors, and with potential students and supervisors. For these highly interdisciplinary programmes, such negotiations also include extensive interactions with staff and students in other Schools and Colleges in the University.

The Director typically delegates part of the organisation and assessment of first year training of students in the Centre, which is a significant fraction of the overall administrative burden, to the Deputy Director. These duties are also partly covered by teaching or coordination duties assigned to core courses, whist the Director also delegates much of the administration to Student Services, including interactions with the Informatics Graduate School, the Finance Office, and with other School administrators.